Healthcare Staffing

Our aim is to partner with employees, consumers, and all DHS DDD Community Providers in an effort to foster an array of individual, quality based, cost effective healthcare services to persons and organizations with special healthcare requirements and disabilities.

Winsor's Residential Aides, Caregivers, and Healthcare professionals work diligently with each individual and their family, their interdisciplinary team, and all those who are close to the disabled in treatment and service. The goal of our services is to help foster and enhance the missions of our many Community Providers at the tactical level of service:

  • To promote all activities that strengthen families and individuals with disabilities
  • To create and nurture an environment that enhances self-direction
  • To create an atmosphere that encourages, assists, supports and educates consumers to respond to the circumstances of their environment, their lives, and to go forward with confidence, commitment, and responsibility
  • To provide quality health and human services to individuals and their families so that they may live to their fullest ability and potential, to work and play in their communities with equality, dignity, and independence
  • To assist individuals, reach their maximum level of independence and performance and lead fulfilling lives
  • To help foster and sustain an environment of love, caring, peace and acceptance, and to emphasize respect, human rights, and dignity to all those with a disability affecting their lives

Mental & Behavioral Healthcare Staffing

  • DDD Certified Residential Aides for all Community Providers of Department of Developmental Disabilities

Our vast networks of independent Healthcare Specialists and Caregivers offer a unique portfolio of caregivers and services.

Winsor Care enables all its clients and associates with immediate access to a solid system of providers and devoted caregivers exhibiting a wide variety of experience, skill and training.

Winsor is a FULL-SERVICE diversified staffing company offering flexible staffing alternatives:

Services Available for:


Qualified candidates available "On-Demand" for one day or longer*


Before hiring a full-time employee on your payroll, take advantage of a short trial period without making a long time commitment.*


Bring your personnel for an indefinite period of time --until you decide such individual(s) are worthy of hiring full-time. Winsor will maintain all pay-rolling and government filings as they were on your payroll.*

Direct Hire

Winsor Staffing offers recruiting expertise for those higher skilled, hard to find, specialized candidates that needs to be recruited and matriculated directly to your payroll.

*Eliminate subsequent costs such as: FICA, FUTA, SUTA, workers compensation and other healthcare specific mandated insurances, garnishments and similar administrative processes and expenses.

Winsor offers ASSURANCE WHEN IT COMES TO KNOWING AND CREDENTIALING OUR STAFF. We maintain the most comprehensive Personnel and DQ file on all of our candidates and provide:

Employment background reference checks
Criminal/Felony/Fingerprinting profiles and reports upon request
Social security traces
Pre-hire, random, and post-accident drug and alcohol tests
A multitude of DDD and other healthcare specific required credentialing

The Winsor "NO RISK" contingency hiring program allows you to evaluate talent before you commit to making a hiring decision. Whether you need for a temporary basis, a temp-to-hire contingency, or a direct hire if you are not satisfied for any reason with the caliber of candidate provided call us within the first few hours and we will work expediently to replace that associate.

Winsor is a FULL-SERVICE DIVERSIFIED STAFFING COMPANY offering flexible staffing alternatives: hired and lay off personnel to handle peak and slow period in your production and avoid subsequent costly pay roll burdens, such as FICA, FUCA and SUTA surcharges, Workers Compensation, Garnishments, W2 and similar administration processes and expenses.

Winsor offers ASSURANCE WHEN IT COMES TO KNOWING AND CREDENTIALING OUR STAFF. We maintain comprehensive HR/Personnel file on all our candidates to confirm worker eligibility, employment/background references checks and criminal/felony/fingerprinting profiles and reports, social security traces, drug and alcohol pre-hire, random testing and post-accident testing when called for.

Call Winsor today. Ask to speak to a staffing professional about our services, and have a consultant identify all the options available to help augment your staffing and hiring requirements at the affordable price.